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Phase II: Waxing Crescent Zine


This is a photography project that has eight installments. Each phase will be released on the second Friday of every month for the eight-month period. They will be displayed on James Street North in Hamilton during the monthly Art Crawl.

This zine is a form of self-preservation. It will illustrate the phases of photography the artist evolves through in terms of technical skill, visual focus, and artistic confidence. The phases will depict aspects of a romantic relationship, modifications of bodies through time, as well as the evolution of environments and habitual upgrades.

All photographs in Phase II have been taken with “Allen” and "Bertha," a Canon A-1 and Canon T70, respectively, in July, 2013. Photos were shot and scanned by myself, Vannessa Barnier.

5.5" x 8.5", black and white, glossy paper, 12 pages.

Check out my flickr page to see my work: http://www.flickr.com/photos/vannessassennav